An Overview to the CLASS Measure and Assessment Process
Training: In Person- ELCB Melbourne Office: 2671 Eau Gallie Blvd, Melbourne FL 32935
Time– 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Two (2) Inservice Hours.
Trainers: Lisa Diggs & Chinaka Grizzle
Registration required by Thursday, December 5th, 2024.
This training aims to provide an overview of the CLASS measure in preparation for your CLASS assessment. Our facilitators aim to help Teachers to develop an understanding of observation process by introducing and exploring the CLASS domains and dimensions. By the end of the session Teachers will better understand the CLASS tool & observable interactions that matter.
- The overall aim is for participants to be introduced to Pre-K Class tool measure.
- A training designed to build CLASS understanding and assist in preparation for CLASS Assessments.
- Participants will explore how “Making the Most of Classroom Interactions” impacts on children’s long term learning outcomes.
- Participants will be offered an overview of Positive Climate, Negative Climate, Teacher Sensitivity, Regard for Student Perspectives, Behavior Management, Productivity, Instructional Learning Formats, Concept Development, Quality Feedback, and Language Modelling as it relates to the Pre-K tool. Facilitators will reflect on Child Development and consider Positive Climate, Quality Feedback, Early Language Support, as it relates to Infants and Toddlers.
- Group coaching will encourage participants to learn and grow through reflection of their own practice.
Core Competencies:
Core Knowledge 4a T1-4, 4c T1-4
Please Note: Each session is a complete introduction to the 10 pre–K CLASS Dimension. The Infant and Toddler Tools will also be explored in less depth.
Please be prepared to arrive on time and stay until the end of the training. This is in-person training. Participants must actively participate in class discussions, and complete & submit the training evaluation form before a certificate will be awarded. Partial in-service hours will not be awarded.
Dates are subject to change. The Early Learning Coalition of Brevard reserves the right to cancel classes at any time. Registered participants will be notified of course cancellation via email 24 hours in advance.